New way of measuring

With the themed studies of Cyclus360 Health

Employee satisfaction survey

Measure shorter and more often: that is the new way of measuring the satisfaction of your employees.

Instead of measuring once every 2 or 3 years, Cyclus360 Health’s approach is to use shorter questionnaires more often. These deal with current topics, which results in a higher response and therefore high-quality results.

Improvement starts on the work floor

The strongest point of Cyclus360 Health is that we put you and your team first. If you yourself, together, get started with Cyclus360 Health, you will have more influence to improve care. No top-down approach from the board or management, just get started yourself!

To keep it clear, everything at Cyclus360 Health is divided into themes. This is in line with what is required in the Quality Framework so that you can easily make the link with your quality plan. Cyclus360 Health goes even further and you can also measure what is currently going on in healthcare, such as the high workload and absenteeism. You can zoom in on issues that you have to deal with: how can you best motivate and retain employees. Or how can finances come under less pressure. Issues that you deal with every day!

Widely supported and surprising results

BCM Zorg en Dienstverlening is already working with the thematic studies of Cyclus360 Health.

The subjects for the MTO are determined together with the HR department and the Works Council. The basic questionnaire comes from the Cyclus360 Health Research Library and is adjusted to suit our own situation. Uit de onderzoeken zijn al ideeën naar voren gekomen die in de praktijk toegepast zijn – en met verrassende resultaten!“said Mirjam van Dijk, quality manager at BCM.

Find out more about what Cyclus360 Health has meant for BCM Download the customer case here.

Most used theme

Theme 1
Vitality and absenteeism

Working in healthcare is human work: passionate professionals who are committed to providing the best healthcare every day. To prevent absenteeism and promote vitality, it is good to ask your colleagues or your employees how they experience the work:

  • Is there a good work-life balance?
  • Can they still handle the work?
  • Do they see solutions that are not seen by management, but that can be easily implemented (and can often still be cost effective!)?

The employees know from daily practice where things can be done better and more efficiently. This is good for the organization, but above all stimulates everyone involved.

Try Cyclus360 Health for 3 months now and get the answers to the following questions:

  • Do your colleagues think there is a good work-life balance?
  • Can they still handle the work and where does it pinch?
  • From their practical experiences, do they see solutions that can be easily implemented and lead directly to cost / time savings?

The Cyclus360 Health thematic study “Vitality and absenteeism” is an interactive study. The duration is 3 months and you can involve up to 500 respondents in the survey. Afterwards you will receive a report with the results of the research in the form of graphs and completed answers to open questions.

The other themes of Cyclus360 Health

Theme 2
Cuff and bind

You have a fun and well-attuned team and you would like to keep that. Because staff turnover causes extra costs, unrest among clients due to the changes, but also attracting new, good employees is currently very difficult.

So in addition to asking what your people think of the work in a practical area (theme 1), you also want to know what motivates your people, what they find important, how they want to develop want to keep working for your organization or choose to leave.

Theme 3
Person-centered care

Every client is central, everyone works hard every day. It is therefore nice to know whether your efforts are experienced in this way by the client.

  • Does the client feel known?
  • Is the care living plan carefully drawn up and complied with?
  • Is there enough attention for the individual?

These answers provide input to work together to improve person-centered care. One of the pillars of the Quality Framework.

Theme 4

Where people work, things can sometimes go wrong. That is why rules and guidelines have been drawn up by which everyone must work in order to guarantee safety. Not only the safety of the client, but also of your people, of everyone in the workplace.

With an audit you can check whether everyone is complying with it. For example, the medication audit, which is also a theme of the Quality Framework. An audit can mainly be seen as a tool to learn and improve. In this way, everyone becomes aware of all guidelines. This leads to (un) consciously in practice, even better attention is paid to how things are carried out.

Theme 5
Processes and finance

If you are busy all day taking care of your clients, you know all too well which processes and systems can be smarter and more efficient.

With a process and / or system assessment, this can be mapped out well and you, your colleagues or your team can arrive at very practical solutions. Solutions that lead to more effective and efficient working and thus to lower costs and improvement of the quality of care.

Based on practice

Cyclus360 Health was created from practice to gain insight into everything related to the care and service process in a clear and easy way. No theoretical books or questionnaires devised by people behind a desk, but studies that have really been developed and tested in practice. You will receive concrete answers and insights with which you, your team and your entire organization can work on quality improvement.

With our 20 years of experience and expertise in the healthcare sector, we help you to ask the right questions to the right people. We know and speak the language of healthcare. We know what is going on in the workplace and what people encounter in healthcare. Thanks to this broad practical experience, we can offer the support that others often do not have.

“What do you think about it?”

A very normal and simple question, but is it asked often enough in your organization and to the right people? To you, to your colleagues, to clients, to informal carers …

Everyone in the care and service process wants to deliver the best quality and everyone likes to work in a pleasant environment. Unfortunately, this does not always work in practice for various reasons. In order to solve the bottlenecks, they must first be mapped out. You do that by measuring.

The Research Library

When participating in the pilot, you can choose one study from the Research Library. It contains questionnaires that all tie in with the thematic structure of the Quality Framework. These questionnaires have proven themselves in practice and form the basis for your research. If you want to adjust something or have it adjusted, you can! This way you can quickly start measuring what you want to know.

A complete process for your quality improvement. Teams can get started with improvement actions themselves.

And much more in the Research Library

These themes are in line with what is going on in healthcare. Of course, the Research Library still contains many themes so that you can start with the subject that you currently need most. You have to start somewhere.

Changes are not made all at once, or in one day. It is a process in which everyone involved must be included. By asking everyone for his / her opinion, you get people on board in the improvement process.

20 years of practical experience

Cyclus360 Health was jointly developed by OMApp Advies and Inno4Care, which has more than 20 years of experience in research and healthcare.

    Self or outsource?

    Improving quality is something that must be done within your organization, within the teams. That is why the approach of Cyclus360 Health is that the teams get to work with it themselves. Which measurements are taken when, what questions do we want to ask – the team decides this itself.

    Is there not enough time within the team?
    Then we offer the possibility that you are completely unburdened. One of our consultants will sit down with you to map out the most important bottlenecks and then arrange everything from tailoring the questionnaire, administering the questionnaire to the report.

    Start now and experience:

    • High involvement of employees and other stakeholders in the care and service process
    • Improvements start on the shop floor
    • Concrete and targeted approach to quality at team level
    • Knowledge from practice often provides creative solutions with low implementation costs and high results

    Request Theme study ‘Vitality and Absenteeism’ of Cyclus360 Health

    Do you and your team want to know about their vitality and absenteeism? Fill in the form below and one of our consultants will contact you to start with the first measurement!

    5 + 14 =

    Inno4Care was founded with the vision to make a substantial contribution to improving customer satisfaction. Our experienced team provides the insights you need to get started internally and achieve results in the short term.

    Inno4Care | A OM Group company


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